Unbound with Caroline Herring

ManiGen here’s how we go from doing to being: a riff

Episode Summary

In this episode Caroline riffs on the important of releasing our expectations and stop living in a transactional paradigm as a ManiGen. It’s a potent one, sit back and listen.

Episode Notes


The Studio

ABDNCE: activation riffs


Hi I’m Caroline Herring, also known as the embodied mg




I help ManiGens (like you!)

💦feel what alignment, satisfaction + peace,  means in their life and how easy it is to attain.

❤️‍🔥feel, use, and amplify the power in their presence to attract all their desires to them (your aura is magic, baby … also madness sometimes though

🧲re-design their life (+ biz) by their own rules (Bye-bye shoulds and boring strategy)

I’m also

quantum explorer-slash- mystic who’s always studying the realm of energy.

A former people pleasing -over achieving - high performer  who  “did all the things because I said I would” turned “I only do what I like and what turns me on, and walk away when I’m complete without a care in the world about what people think.”

I’m here  to help magical ManiGens from getting trapped in their minds, and to get into their body… where they were designed to be.

Wherever I go “gahhhh pinch me is this real?” and “fuuuuuck I love my life” follows.